Today has been a slow day! My cat Puked all over the floor in the bedroom. We called the vet and they told us to buys som shiznits from the Apothecary or whatever it spells like!
Now im full of Coffe listening to that old motherfreaking cool band RATT, so good 80´s metal at its best, and im that kinda guy who feels strange emotions listening to old metal, dont know if its a new level of horny or if its making me feeling cool for listening to old metal haha. Anyways im about to look for some JOBS in a sec, i will write some in a moment.
Oh by the way we got the message last night that my girlfriend is going to be at the hospital for 3 weeks from monday!!!! =(=(=(=(=(=(=(=( what am i to do for 3 weeks without her, we havent been separated more than a week these last 4 years!! Who am i going to talk to,kiss,hug,take care of, love and sing to ?
I mean i dont like kissing myself that is kinda hard, hugging myself ? that seems a bit weird YES!!, take care of myself ? Yeah well *DUH* ofcourse, Love myself ? well if im alone that might work, Sing to ? i always sing when im alone.. But im going to do all this THINKING of my Maja. cause she is WORTH every piece of love,kiss,hug and song!!