torsdag 4 oktober 2007

Tobacco, Love and Hope!!

Hey people!

Today is one of those days when you feel like everything is F****D up, im exhausted, Maja Is exhausted, we are doing Laundry and in just a few Days she goes to the Hospital *Karolinska* dont Radiation for 3 weeks, can you belive that 3 weeks. OMG!! WTF!! and all that lingo, ill miss her already, last night we shaved Majas head with a razor cause itsy bitsy tiny hairs where falling of, so now she looks like well my butt!! :D
Shes still HOT her beutiful eyes are showing more!..

Sis and i where playing Worms 4 until 3 last night, so ofcourse im tired.
By the way, a nurse was here today and took bloodsamples of Maja, and now she has to fil a 5 liters bottle with urine! eww but thats the way it is.

I will write a little more later on as of now in about to look at star trek tng on channel 6.

Abracos e Beijos to you all!!

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Hi Ryo, Happyman here.
It's nice to read your blog and that we are up to date about how your girlfriend is doing in the hospital. And how you're missing your grilfriend. I wish you good luck en your girlfriend to.

Bye Happyman