onsdag 31 oktober 2007


Im back from the washroom where i washed 6 machines of clothes. Damn i collect filthy clothes :D haha well well now im finished with it now it just have to dry out!!

I am listening to the new Symphony X cd right now, and DAMN Russel allen is good at singing. one of the best Metal singers i know of, besides that cd i now have to Wait to the new Eyreon cd 01001011 to come out, IM NOT KIDDING the cd is called that LoL. Its due to release sometime in 2008. 2 days left till Maja gets home :D wohooooo i miss her,



The GOD!!!


Lykke Li! Cutest swedish music artist right now!!!!

Star Trek, Chemo And Tired

Hello good people i havent written much these latest weeks. I have been to tired to write anything and now im as good as anything =D.
Im watching the few last episodes of Star Trek: Voyager, call me a nerd haha but the show ROCKS! Janeway,paris,tuvok and the guys are stil trying to get home.
Today i have to clean up here back home cause Maja will be getting home soon or atleast in 2 days. I miss her shes been gone for almost 4 weeks now and that is the longest time shes been away since the first time we met 4 years ago, time seems to stand stil when shes gone and i feel like superman exposed to kryptonite without her, Weak, sad and tired. Thank god i have had my sister close to me all this time.
Ive been listening to the Serena Manesh debut album today and the more i listening to it i like it more =) its a mixture of strange Music and a beutiful degree of cooleness =) check out the Webpage of the band, http://www.serena-maneesh.com
Well well im of to watch the remaining minutes of this episode of Star Trek: Voyager and after that im about to start to tidy up here!!! :D

Bye for now. ill promise to write some more as soon as possible.

tisdag 30 oktober 2007

My darling

Watching movie

Im watching thd movid The Bourne Ultimatum

lördag 20 oktober 2007

Jorn Lande!! Good singer.

Jorn Lande singer from Masterplan,The Snakes and such... A supergrate singer. this is one of his oldest projects Power Supply

Whitesnake OMFG!!!!!

I havent had the strength to write anything here lately, but ill start it up again, ill start but showing you one of the best performances of the best band in the world!!!

lördag 13 oktober 2007

Maja ny bild!



fredag 12 oktober 2007

A hurt Pigeon

Found a hurt pigeon today. It ran away. Hope it makes ìt

tisdag 9 oktober 2007

Maja`s Blogg

Be shure to check out majas Blogg


Unemployment Office, Greys Anatomy and sister!!

Today has been a chillday, i went to unemployment office, nothing new there, as ussually they dont have crap for me, i know i have to search for J,O,B and i have. but i cant find crap, no one is responsing to my CV´s i mean hey they can atleast say no paperwise or call me so i know.
I talked to Maja today and everything just went fine at the hospital she hade chemo for 4 hours and it went fine, after that she got something mixed with saltwater and meds, even though she havent cept any food in the belly today she pukes all the time, and is constipated but after all that she is fine. I MISS YOU MAJA.....

My sister has been here for 4 days now and even though we talk alot, she watches Medium and i Greys, it is still a grate support to have her here.

Love you Maja
And Love You Sister

lördag 6 oktober 2007

Greys Anatomy, Pizza and a hangover.

Tonight was a good night i feel pretty nice besides the hangover, and i just ate a pizza. I MISS MAJA!!!! i love her and i miss her. She is my all.
She will be gone for 3 weeks for Chemotherapy.

Im watching Greys Anatomy right now, seriously what an awsome show. but for now im going to play battlefield 2.

Maja Slideshow!

torsdag 4 oktober 2007

Bf2, webfriends and Donation!!! *TOPIC* CLICK HERE

Hey everyone =D ive been playing BF2 tonight with War, it was fun for a while but then everything started to go to Tjotahejsan!!! so i quit!
i saw that Happyman wrote som nice words in a Previous comment, i thank you for that.
Soon Maja will be leaving for 3 weeks for Chemotherapy not Radioation as i stated before, but hey!! at least shes going to be better...
Well well im on my way to bed. Nighty people..

Anyways if you want to donate money to the Cancerfonden do it By clicking TOPIC!!!

Tobacco, Love and Hope!!

Hey people!

Today is one of those days when you feel like everything is F****D up, im exhausted, Maja Is exhausted, we are doing Laundry and in just a few Days she goes to the Hospital *Karolinska* dont Radiation for 3 weeks, can you belive that 3 weeks. OMG!! WTF!! and all that lingo, ill miss her already, last night we shaved Majas head with a razor cause itsy bitsy tiny hairs where falling of, so now she looks like well my butt!! :D
Shes still HOT her beutiful eyes are showing more!..

Sis and i where playing Worms 4 until 3 last night, so ofcourse im tired.
By the way, a nurse was here today and took bloodsamples of Maja, and now she has to fil a 5 liters bottle with urine! eww but thats the way it is.

I will write a little more later on as of now in about to look at star trek tng on channel 6.

Abracos e Beijos to you all!!

onsdag 3 oktober 2007

Thank You Lina & Jonas

Thank you Lina And Jonas for that Wonderful wedding and the Beautiful picture.

Ratt, METAL.Vomit and a tiny bit of Horny!

Today has been a slow day! My cat Puked all over the floor in the bedroom. We called the vet and they told us to buys som shiznits from the Apothecary or whatever it spells like!

Now im full of Coffe listening to that old motherfreaking cool band RATT, so good 80´s metal at its best, and im that kinda guy who feels strange emotions listening to old metal, dont know if its a new level of horny or if its making me feeling cool for listening to old metal haha. Anyways im about to look for some JOBS in a sec, i will write some in a moment.
Oh by the way we got the message last night that my girlfriend is going to be at the hospital for 3 weeks from monday!!!! =(=(=(=(=(=(=(=( what am i to do for 3 weeks without her, we havent been separated more than a week these last 4 years!! Who am i going to talk to,kiss,hug,take care of, love and sing to ?
I mean i dont like kissing myself that is kinda hard, hugging myself ? that seems a bit weird YES!!, take care of myself ? Yeah well *DUH* ofcourse, Love myself ? well if im alone that might work, Sing to ? i always sing when im alone.. But im going to do all this THINKING of my Maja. cause she is WORTH every piece of love,kiss,hug and song!!

First Personal message of the day!!

Ooohhhkayy i didnt look for any jobs today, but tomorrow ill do it! as of now im watching the new Hillarious comedy I now pronounce You Chuck and Larry,

Sis came back after have being over at her x tonight. Apearantly he have met a new one, a little whore that he cheated with a while back, so ofcourse sis didnt get happy. Gosh i dont like that guy.

Love,Relations and SEX, a good quote!

*I would Love to get married, I love the idea that the man you are married to is Forced by law to sleep with you everynight*
Carrie Snow.

He is just so dandy!

To get in touch with Her Royal cuteness

tisdag 2 oktober 2007

Mariah *Mimi Butterfly* Carey Is back!!!!!

She`s is hotter than ever, omg look at that face, God cried outa happines creating her!

Brick & Lace HOTTIES!!!

Just heard a superawsome song called Love Is Wicked with this Duo of awsome chicks. hot as Fuck and good singers!!

If you get the chance check them Out..

Maja`s Blogg!!!


Tha gang

Girlfriend and sis at town


We are on our way to town


LOL a friend of mine recently got Divorced and it have probably gone like a couple of weeks and he have already gotten a new girl, She is 39 with 2 kids One daughter who is 18 and one son who is 13, im just wondering when he will have sex with his stepdaughter! *Joking ofcourse*

The unemployed Fucker!!!!

Yep today its Tuesday, i have been trying to Find simple xml themes for my blogg since im a n00b i cant do them self in photoshop :D none was found, so if you have a tip for a page that lets you save the blogg theme/Mall gimme a shout.

Im getting dressed right now and getting prepared to go down to town and go to the unemployment office, and im going to look for some J.O.B. and on the same time buy some knitting stuff for the girlfriend.

Even though she lost all her hair last night she is happy, we where kinda joking around last night about she looking like Jonas Gardell, But she is not =)......
But for now im just getting ready to go. so ill be back later on see yah good people ill write some more later on.


Yes she has cancer as i stated furhter down in the blogg!!
Its treatable and she feels fine For now!
We are dealing it with one day at a time!!

Love you maja

The 2:nd of october 2007 the time is 00:23

Maja lost her hair today, that stupid cancer takes it toll.

Well it started with Maja shouting for me, i ran in to the room and there she sit, with a BIG piece of hair in her hand, she started to cry, we where both prepared for this but in came so fast, we deicided to shave the rest of the hair on spot. with an electrical razor. it went fast and painless. and now i have my very own GI:Jane :D she is as wonderfull as the day i saw her.

måndag 1 oktober 2007


oohh by the way here i have some pre and after shots of my shaved hair, few weeks apart but that doesnt matter :D

Do you remember how to live ?

Well i think i do!
I recently got the news that my favorite woman in the world, my rock, my unplucked Rose has Cancer, Maja has cancer, In the leg its apparentlly called OsteoSarkoma and it attacks the legs and its skelleton cancer, she is getting radiation and everything is going to be Fine, but hey still, it hurts to think about a close one being sick in that way, i just hope i can be the support she needs and i need. I love her.

A new Heroes tonight, will Peter Petrelli remember who he is ? lets just whait and see!!

The New Barbarella

Talk about ruining a good thing or is it a good thing ?

According to the http://www.perezhilton.com/ Blogg. Her royal majesty Rose McGowan is doing a remake of the old wonderfully craftet über movie Barbarella that featured Jane Fonda.

Film director Robert Rodrigues is doing the remake with his favoite Rose!

Jum jum loves cashewnutts

Im at the EmergencyRoom with my girlfriend!

Det första/The First

Jaha nu har man fallit in i Bloggträsket, varför undrar du/ni? ja säg det jag vet det inte ens själv men om jag ändå sitter vid datorn och söker jobb kan jag väll blogga om skiten!

jag kommer att fylla på denna blogg med jämna mellanrum, men nu ska jag se Greys Anatomy.

Well well now i have fallen in to the Bloggswamp, why you wonder? well you tell me, i dont even know why, but if i sit here but the computer and looking for work, why not blogg about the crap!

I will fill this blogg from time to time but for now, im going to watch some Greys Anatomy.